WLC Business Interest Survey - Summer Internships
Please complete this brief survey to let us know your interest in connecting with Workplace Learning Connection and supporting work-based learning for our local students.
Career Title
Business Name
Business City
How familiar are you with partnership opportunities through Workplace Learning Connection?
Very familiar with WLC
Somewhat familiar with WLC
Not familiar at all
What is your interest in hosting WLC internships?
YES! Our business is willing to host high school interns. Please contact us with additional details.
Our business has not hosted high school interns through WLC, but we would like to learn more.
NO. Our business is not interested in hosting high school interns.
Are you interested in participating in other WLC programming?
Job Shadows
Mock Interviews
Career Fairs/Speaker Days
Worksite Tours
Additional Info/Comments (specific times of year you would like to participate or careers you would like to focus on, etc.):